
Learn the phases, methodologies, 和 processes of the software 发展 life cycle (SDLC).



软件开发生命周期(SDLC), 有时也称为软件开发过程, is a st和ard project management framework that organizations use to create high-quality software with an accelerated time to production 和 lowered overall cost.

The SDLC approach to software 发展 typically begins by looking for deficiencies that may be present within an existing system, 定义与新系统和改进系统相关的需求, 然后为新系统设计和创建软件.

采用SDLC方法可以帮助企业明确他们的目标, 更有效地管理软件项目, 在团队成员离职的情况下确保项目的连续性, 在软件投入生产之前进行适当的测试, 和 increase the likelihood of completing the project on time 和 within budget. The SDLC is also a repeatable process whose later phases feed back into the initial phases, enabling businesses to continually refine 和 improve their applications over time.


There are many SDLC models in use today, each with its own distinct advantages 和 limitations. 一些SDLC方法结合了敏捷方法, 哪一种允许更大的灵活性和增量迭代, while others rely on the more linear 和 sequential waterfall methodology.

Each SDLC framework tends to consist of between five 和 seven distinct phases, depending on the company involved 和 its specific goals for software 发展. 核心SDLC阶段通常与软件设计有关, 发展, 测试, 和部署.


  1. 规划. Product 和 project managers convene to discuss the scope of the project. 在这个阶段, 他们可能会创建早期的书面可交付成果,比如项目计划, 日程安排, 成本估算, 采购要求.
  2. 需求. Technology professionals begin gathering requirements from business stakeholders. 如果先前的系统存在, they examine its deficiencies 和 identify any remediations that need to be addressed in the new version. If the software will be br和-new, they will simply proceed toward defining its requirements. 无论哪种情况, the goal is to create a detailed definition of what the end product is intended to achieve.
  3. 设计和原型制作. Software developers convert the requirements they have gathered into a software design plan. They outline the software’s architecture 和 specify the technologies involved in its 发展 as well as the team resources, 时间框架, 以及创建它所需的预算.
  4. 发展. 开发人员创建软件, engaging stakeholders to confirm that it fulfills the desired requirements. 在这一阶段结束时, the business should have functional software that can then be tested 和 deployed.
  5. 测试. SDLC的这个关键阶段侧重于确保高质量的产品, 采用一系列测试方法,包括代码质量, 单元测试, 集成测试, 性能测试, 以及安全测试,以确保软件按预期运行. Flaws or bugs that were not detected in the 发展 stage are examined 和 remediated before the final product proceeds to deployment.
  6. 部署. After all issues have been fixed, the software is placed into production. 在一些较大的企业环境中,这个过程是自动化的, whereas some midsize 和 smaller organizations or businesses in exceptionally regulated industries may require additional final sign-off steps before this phase is complete.
  7. 操作与维护. After the software has been deployed, it is continually monitored for potential bugs, defects, or 安全漏洞. This phase can loop back into earlier steps of the SDLC as the software, 现在正在生产中, 是不断改进和改进的吗.


While businesses often want to get new code out as quickly as possible in order to maximize opportunities in the market, this strategy sometimes fails to properly account for security concerns. Some businesses may discover unintended vulnerabilities that have the potential to gravely compromise their own corporate data as well as that of their clients. Some of the most severe breaches that have appeared in newspaper headlines in recent years have occurred because the businesses involved have not adequately 在SDLC中尽早确定了安全问题的优先级.

的重要性 App 保护 近年来有所增加吗, more companies have begun factoring security concerns earlier into the SDLC. 这样做的时候, 它们可以更好地降低潜在风险, 更快发现bug, 尽早识别用户体验问题, 和 lower the costs involved with remediating all of these issues later on in the software 发展 process. DevSecOps, a security-focused evolution of the popular DevOps concept of software design 和部署, 寻求 explicitly embed App 保护 best practices earlier into the SDLC.


  1. 尽早解决安全问题. 网络罪犯越来越多地瞄准网络应用程序, 因此企业必须在SDLC中更早地优先考虑安全问题. This is especially true if the software in question is mission-critical. 利用a的好处 Web应用程序安全扫描程序 还有其他形式的 Web应用程序安全测试 在流程的早期帮助您的企业降低风险, 在新出现的问题变成大麻烦之前解决它们, 削减成本.
  2. 考虑DevSecOps方法. Application security should be a shared responsibility across your security, 它操作, 和 发展 teams rather than an afterthought relegated to a single team toward the end of the SDLC (often in the 测试 phase, 如上所述). Moving App 保护 left in the SDLC helps you securely deploy software without compromising on speed.
  3. 鼓励合作. 有效的合作至关重要, especially when not everyone involved speaks the same language or views issues from the same lens. 例如, 安全团队认为漏洞是对业务的主要威胁, while their developer counterparts tend to chiefly view them as bugs to be fixed. Creating common tools 和 workspaces where the various teams can come together 和 collaborate, 尽早讨论问题, 和 foster a spirit of camaraderie will go a long way toward ensuring SDLC success.

The SDLC is an effective methodology for designing 和 creating software, but it especially shines when all stakeholders prioritize security concerns 和 thoughtfully weave security 测试 early into the process. By taking a security-conscious approach to your SDLC 和 encouraging effective collaboration among your teams, your business can bring high-quality software to market in less time 和 with fewer headaches along the way.



